You may view past articles of interest as displayed below ordered by date.
Some of the Ursuline Sisters and Associates will be meeting for Lenten prayer and reflection on March 9, 16, 30 and April 6th. These prayer gatherings will take place at the Province Center, 1338 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY from 2-4 P.M. If you are interested in attending, please respond to Jean Davide at…
Provincial Sr. Mary Sullivan opens the 2014 Chapter for the election of a new provincial and leadership team. Tellers Sr. Marilyn Muldoon and Sr. Alice Marie Giordano present ballots to Sr. Mary Sullivan and Sr. Marie Celine Miranda for tallying, while Mary Ragan, PhD, facilitator of the Chapter, oversees the process. On Saturday, February 8,…
Each year Ursulines from the Eastern Province volunteer for NunsBuild, an event hosted by the St. Bernard Project (SBP), an award-winning nonprofit organization dedicated to rebuilding communities impacted by Hurricane Katrina. Religious from across the country participate in construction and rehab projects in the New Orleans region. Ursulines work in teams with other sisters from…
In 115 pages, and with photographs of what she describes, Sister Marian takes the reader on a journey of discovery. She discovers in the language and customs of the people she encounters some of the richness of the human family. Intelligence, respect, and good humor characterize her approach to varied new situations. In her accounts,…
Sr. Ann Dumas made her final vows of religious profession in the Ursulines on August 11, 2013 at the chapel of the Ursuline Provincialate. Ann has been serving as a mathematics tutor at The Ursuline School in New Rochelle, and in summers she has served as a math tutor at St. Ann’s Home in Guyana….
Bridget Puzon, O.S.U. When the plane touched down in Johannesburg, Sister Jane Finnerty began her journey to meet the Ursulines in South Africa and Botswana. As her pre-General Chapter visit to another province, she chose this province in particular because of her desire to see the work of the many sisters from the Eastern Province…
Bridget Puzon, O.S.U. “I wanted to visit an Ursuline province with a different culture, where it would give me a third-world experience,” recalled Sr. Ann Peterson. She chose the countries of the Ursuline Caribbean Province: Barbados, Venezuela, and Guyana. For her the experience of Ursuline life and mission in countries and cultures there offered her…
Each year brings the celebration of the jubilee of Ursulines on the anniversary of their religious profession, for their faithfulness in dedication to God and in fulfilling the work of service to others entrusted to them by the church. They are honored on the day they made vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in the…
Emmy award-winning Broadcaster Jane Hanson to serve as Master of Ceremonies New Rochelle, NY… The Adult Learning Center a Mission of Ursuline Social Outreach, will honor His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, at their annual benefit gala on March 7, 2013. The Adult Learning Center is a non-profit organization created to increase…
Four of the U.S. Ursuline high schools joined together for the 2012 lacrosse tournament hosted by Ursuline Academy in Wilmington, Delaware. It was the 6th in what has become a tradition in the schools. Ursuline Academy in Dedham, Mass., The Ursuline School in New Rochelle, NY, and Ursuline Academy in St. Louis, Missouri arrived in…
Rev. Larry Snyder, President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA, presented the Prioress of the Ursuline Sisters of New Orleans, Sister Carla Dolce, O.S.U., with a Centennial Medal for the order’s long history providing services to people in need, particularly women and children seeking shelter, education and nurturing in early America. The medal was presented…