Obituary and Funeral Liturgy for Sr. Teresa Byrne, OSU
Sr. Teresa Byrne, OSU a beloved member of the Ursuline Community, died peacefully on February 14, 2025, at Andrus on Hudson, Hastings on Hudson, NY.
Sr. Teresa Byrne, OSU a beloved member of the Ursuline Community, died peacefully on February 14, 2025, at Andrus on Hudson, Hastings on Hudson, NY.
If you cannot view or would rather not view on Facebook, the video of the Funeral Liturgy is available below. * *This video is best viewed using the current browser version of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge. If you are using other browsers, you may not be able to view the video.
On Sunday, December 8th, at 11:00 AM, The Ursuline Sisters of the Eastern Province held our annual Mass for Deceased Ursulines. We remember with love and gratitude the lives of our beloved Sisters who went home to God in 2024.
Sister Sheila Campbell, OSU, formerly Sr. St. James, a beloved member of the Ursulines of the Roman Union Eastern Province USA for 63 years, died peacefully on November 24, 2024, at Andrus on Hudson Nursing Home.
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If you cannot view or would rather not view on Facebook, the video of the Funeral Liturgy is available below. * *This video is best viewed using the current browser version of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge. If you are using other browsers, you may not be able to view the video.
If you cannot view or would rather not view on Facebook, the video of the Funeral Liturgy is available below. * *This video is best viewed using the current browser version of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge. If you are using other browsers, you may not be able to view the video.
If you cannot view or would rather not view on Facebook, the video of the Funeral Liturgy is available below. * *This video is best viewed using the current browser version of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge. If you are using other browsers, you may not be able to view the video.
Sister Phyllis Hinchcliffe, a beloved member of the Ursuline Community, died peacefully on June 16, 2020 at Andrus on Hudson. Born in 1927 to Julia and Walter Hinchcliffe in Yonkers, NY, Sr. Phyllis entered the Ursuline Community in 1950, a year after graduating from the College of New Rochelle, and became known as Mother St….