Obituary of Sr. Elizabeth (Beth) Dowd, OSU

Obituary of Sr. Elizabeth (Beth) Dowd, OSU

Sr. Elizabeth (Beth) Dowd, OSU, a beloved member of the Ursuline Community, died peacefully on December 11, 2020. She was a resident of United Hebrew Center in New Rochelle. Born in Holyoke, MA in 1934 to Clare and James Dowd, Sr. Beth entered the Ursuline Novitiate in 1956 and professed first vows in 1959. Sr….

Sr. Laurence Montgomery, OSU

Sr. Laurence Montgomery, OSU

Sister Laurence Montgomery, OSU beloved member of the Ursuline Community, died peacefully on July 27, 2020 at Andrus, Hastings on Hudson, NY. Born and raised in Wilmington, DE, Ann Patricia Montgomery (Sister Laurence) was the daughter of Margaret Mulrooney Montgomery and Leo Montgomery. Sister graduated from Ursuline Academy, Wilmington, and attended the University of Delaware…

Obituary for Sr. Doris Therese Walbridge, OSU

Obituary for Sr. Doris Therese Walbridge, OSU

Sister Doris Therese Walbridge, OSU, also known as Mother Frances Therese, beloved member of the Ursuline Community, died peacefully July 24, 2020 at Andrus, Hastings on Hudson, NY. Born New York City, she was the daughter of Ethel McGrath Walbridge and Lyman N. Walbridge. Sister Doris Therese entered the Ursuline Order in Beacon, NY in…

Obituary for Sr. Phyllis Hinchcliffe, O.S.U.

Obituary for Sr. Phyllis Hinchcliffe, O.S.U.

Sister Phyllis Hinchcliffe, a beloved member of the Ursuline Community, died peacefully on June 16, 2020 at Andrus on Hudson. Born in 1927 to Julia and Walter Hinchcliffe in Yonkers, NY, Sr. Phyllis entered the Ursuline Community in 1950, a year after graduating from the College of New Rochelle, and became known as Mother St….

Obituary of Alice Bouchard, OSU

Obituary of Alice Bouchard, OSU

Sr. Alice Bouchard, OSU, a beloved member of the Ursuline Community, passed away peacefully on April 30,2020 at Andrus-on-Hudson, Hastings, NY. Sr. Alice was born in Esmond, RI to Alice Bottomley and Joseph Bouchard in 1926. Her parents and her brothers, Edward and Joseph predeceased her. Sr. Alice, formerly known as Mother Joseph Marie, entered…

Obituary of Sr. Mary Jane Robertshaw, OSU

Obituary of Sr. Mary Jane Robertshaw, OSU

We are very sad to announce the passing of, Sr. Mary Jane Robertshaw, OSU. Sr. Mary Jane was beloved member of the Ursuline community and died peacefully on April 21, 2020 at Andrus -on-Hudson, NY. She was born in Greensburg, PA to Marie and Clarence Robertshaw in 1929. She entered the Ursulines shortly after graduating…

Obituary for Sr. Regina Gagnier, OSU

Obituary for Sr. Regina Gagnier, OSU

Sr. Regina Gagnier, Mother Stanislaus, beloved member of the Ursuline Community, died peacefully at Andrus-on-Hudson on March 17. Beloved daughter of Jeannette Patenaude Gagnier and Edgar Gagnier, Sister was born in Churubusco, NY one of eight siblings. She is predeceased by brothers, James, Hubert, Gerard and Edward, and sisters, Annette, Albertine and Evelyn. She is…

Obituary for Sr. Virginia Maxwell, O.S.U.

Obituary for Sr. Virginia Maxwell, O.S.U.

NEW ROCHELLE, Sister Virginia Maxwell, OSU, also known as Mother Marie Mercedes, beloved member of the Ursuline Community, died peacefully February 12th at Andrus, Hastings-on- Hudson. Born and raised in the Bronx, New York, she was the daughter of Susan Gaffney Maxwell and Ignatius Maxwell. Sister Virginia is pre-deceased by her parents and brother Ignatius. …