
“The Infirm Woman” – Anne Therese Dillen, OSU



It was another Sabbath day

        (and I remember well)

        The crowds – always the crowds

awaiting Him this holy day:

        What were His words?

        What would He say? 

Feet dusted-dark by earthen roads –

        (yes, I could see them well)

        But crowds – always the crowds;

like mammoth walls, they blocked my view.

        Where was His face?

        I could not tell. 

My brokenness had kept me down,

        (my gaze upon the ground)

        And crowds – always the crowds

had kept me where the outcasts cry.

        But what was this?

        A different sound? 

For on this special Sabbath day

        (and I remember well)

        the crowds – always the crowds

made way for Him to touch my face

        and I stood TALL

        this Sabbath day!

                                              – Anne Therese Dillen, OSU