
Sr. Maureen Welch’s Update From Cambodia!


Sr. Maureen Welch, OSU, is in the midst of her immersion experience in Thailand and Cambodia en route to the Enlarged General Meeting in North Sydney, Australia next week.  This is an update on her travels to Cambodia.

“Today we not only visited but travelled the roads and bridges our “Roads to Learning” funds helped make passable.  Quite an adventure!  Tomorrow we leave Cambodia and return to Thailand for some time together to reflect on our experience and then off to the meeting in Australia on Saturday.”  – Sr. Maureen Welch, OSU

Please keep Sr. Maureen and Sr. Jane Finnerty, OSU, Provincial of the Ursuline Provincialate, in your prayers as they continue their journey culminating in their participation in the Enlarged General Council October 3-10,2016.
