Maureen Welch, OSU, Geraldine Kennedy, OSU, Jane Finnerty, OSU
and Greg Maher, Executive Director of the Leviticus Fund.
On May 25, at the Annual Meeting of the Leviticus Fund, Cathy Rowan, Chair of the Board of the Leviticus Fund gave the following presentation:
Leviticus created the “Leviticus Cornerstone Award” in 2015 as a way to annually recognize a person or organization that has made an extraordinary contribution to the accomplishment of the Fund’s mission or to the wider work of overcoming poverty and promoting social equity through community development.
The award is an opportunity to thank someone or group that has made a substantial difference in the growth and success of Leviticus or the community development field in which we operate. It is also a means by which additional light can be brought to Leviticus among supporters, potential supporters, policy makers, and other constituencies that we work with.
This year we are happy to present the Leviticus Cornerstone Award to:
Ursuline Sisters of the Eastern Province of the Roman Union
If you do an internet search for quotations from Angela Merici, you find: “Strive to be faithful to that which God has called you.” The Leviticus Fund has been blessed by this faithful witness.
The Ursuline Sisters are a founding member of the Leviticus Fund.
The Eastern Province and the Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa are member investors.
The Ursuline Communities of Longstreet Ave., Liberty Ave., and Linden are associate investors.
Ursuline Sisters who have served the fund in a variety of ways are:
Board members: Stephanie Wilson, OSU, Madeline Welch, OSU, Geraldine Kennedy, OSU
Staff Members: Anne Maynard, OSU, Pat Russell, OSU
ICCR/supporter of Leviticus: Barbara Glendon, OSU
I’d also like to highlight Serviam Gardens and Serviam Towers. This project, which serves seniors in the local community, was built on land leased from the Ursuline Sisters of the Bedford Park Convent of Mt. St. Ursula. Serviam was set aside as housing for low income seniors in the Bronx.
With thanks for the Ursuline Sisters mission of service, I invite Sister Jane Finnerty to accept the Cornerstone Award on behalf of the Ursuline Sisters.