Provincial Sr. Mary Sullivan opens the 2014 Chapter for the election of a new provincial and leadership team.
Tellers Sr. Marilyn Muldoon and Sr. Alice Marie Giordano present ballots to Sr. Mary Sullivan and Sr. Marie Celine Miranda for tallying, while Mary Ragan, PhD, facilitator of the Chapter, oversees the process.
On Saturday, February 8, 2014, the Ursulines of the Eastern Province held a Chapter of Elections, at which new administrators are elected for a 3-year term. The election was confirmed by the Prioress General and her council in Rome.
Sister Jane Finnerty was chosen as the Provincial of the Eastern Province, effective May 1, 2014. Councilors elected were Sr. Ann Peterson, Sr. Patricia Russell, Sr. Joan Woodcome, and Sr. Maureen Welch. The term of the Provincial and the Provincial Council is 3 years, renewable for a second term.
Sr. Mary Sullivan presents the newly elected Provincial Sr. Jane Finnerty with a flowering plant. Sr. Jane will assume office on May 1, 2014.
The new provincial team gathered together at a celebration reception following their election on February 8, 2014. From left to right – Councilors: Sr. Patricia Russell, Sr. Maureen Welch, Sr. Joan Woodcome,Sr. Ann Peterson and Provincial Sr. Jane Finnerty.
The sisters of the Province gathered at the Province Center in New Rochelle. The day included prayer, brief statements by the sisters who had previously been nominated, small-table conversations, and the voting for each position in turn according to custom.
Sr. Jane Finnerty is currently a member of the Provincial Council serving with Sr. Mary Sullivan, outgoing Provincial. Sr. Ann Peterson is also a current member of the Provincial Council. The other three sisters are engaged in a variety of ministries.