Painting of Pentecost is a watercolor on canvas
by Sr. Anne Therese Dillen, O.S.U.
All is silent. The door is locked.
O my heart, how often this is true!
Fear prevails,
But love entails
An openness of heart …
Yet mine is locked.
How gently does He knock!
Whisper-wind – a rustle barely heard:
Turtle dove
Sweet cry of love
An end to winter rains …
My door unlocks!
All is music – my door, ajar.
O my heart, how quickly fear has fled!
Tongues aflame
No two the same
Settling on sudden saints
From near and far.
The Church is born – its doors flung wide.
Songs are sung and hearty laughter heard:
God is here,
No need for fear
As, trusting in His word,
We now abide.