“Adoration is the highest form of prayer.”
How does one get there?
Try Via Gratias, at the junction of Memory Lane. Down this path encounter great discoveries.
Go back in time. First memories?
Being loved, cared for, clothed, fed…
Having fun, with playmates, cousins, friends…
Learning to read, write, pray…
Awakening to a larger world than family, friends
Realizing enormity of pain, destruction, war, poverty, disease, tsunami, 9/11…
Amid such pain, dismay, weakness, horror—continue to search.
Encounter face-to-Face the God/Creator/Father/Lover of all,
And see—God shares the same: pain, dismay…How can this be?
Tempted to turn back, to run, but where? Such is our world, reality—do not flee.
Embrace it all, extend a helping hand where possible. Take all to prayer…where the Lord of all awaits…
Pour out complaint, dismay. Implore and beg desired healing, restoration, cure.
Awaken then to ever-present Love.
Allow embrace though tinged with pain. The hill of Calvary remains.
But so do Love and Easter morn.
“Greater love than this no one has—to lay down one’s life for one’s friend.”
And, we, if we let be, are more than friends.
And so, adore—immersed in gratitude — ευχαριοτια (eucharistia) — “My Lord and my God!”
Now let’s talk turkey, trimmings, family, and parade…
Conclude the journey and know the place
Perhaps for the first—but not the last—time.